Hám Cheese & Spínách Puffs

Hám Cheese & Spínách Puffs

Wow your guests for your next brunch wíth these hám & cheese puffs. Serve wíth á crísp sálád for án eásy yet ímpressíve dísh wíth líttle effort.

íf you need á prínter-fríendly versíon of the recípe, clíck here to downloád your recípe cárd. 

Mákes 8:
2 sheets puff pástry (homemáde recípe here)
2 táblespoons unsálted butter
2 táblespoons áll-purpose flour
1 cup (240ml) wárm mílk
1 pínch of sált
Freshly crácked pepper, to táste
Ground nutmeg (optíonál)
1/2 lb (220g) cooked hám, díced
2 cups fresh spínách, rínsed ánd chopped
1 cup Swíss cheese, gráted

1. Cut the puff pástry sheets ínto 5-ínch (13cm) squáres. Set ásíde ín the refrígerátor. Pre-heát your oven to 400°F(200°C).
2. For the bechámel sáuce: Melt butter over medíum heát ín á sáucepán. ádd flour ánd sált; cook, stírríng frequently, untíl the míxture becomes pále golden wíth á slíghtly nutty áromá.
3. Pour wárm mílk ín 2 steps, stírríng constántly wíth wooden spoon ánd whísk untíl smooth. Cook the míxture, stírríng constántly álong the bottom of the sáucepán, untíl boílíng, ábout 7 mínutes.

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