You know when your body wánts somethíng sweet, but you just wánt none of the guílt? í háve those moments áll the tíme, ánd these Heálthy Chocoláte Chíp Blondíes ís one of the recípes thát comes to the rescue!
When í thínk of the foods my body cráves, ít’s usuálly sálty thíngs líke nuts, cheese, olíves, hummus… í meán, growíng up ín Spáín thát’s whát we hád for snáck regulárly, sálty thíngs. Líke ín the áfternoons, í’d sít wíth my grándpá pláyíng cárds whíle shellíng peánuts ánd eátíng olíves.
However, í háte to ádmít thát í’ve developed quíte á sweet tooth through recípe development. í try áll thíngs, snáck on áll thíngs, ánd therefore, eát áll thíngs!
í máde these blondíes áfter á group of ládíes ín my boxíng cláss brought á bátch to eát from “á Pínterest recípe thát í hád to modífy becáuse í dídn’t háve hálf of the íngredíents.” Oh, how fámílíár thís wás to my eárs sínce í know thát sometímes people chánge thíngs ánd then don’t álwáys come out ás descríbed. Há!
Mákíng these ís á very símple process. Cán you míx íngredíents ín á bowl wíth á spoon ánd then press them down ínto á contáíner? Seríously, ít’s thát eásy. Check out thís vídeo where í show you how to máke them.
So, báck to the blondíes. The followíng week í brought my fírst bátch to my newly found group of táste testers, ánd they áll ágreed they were greát! Thrílled wíth my newly found zero-guílt recípe, í now máke them from tíme to tíme ánd keep them ín the frídge for up to 5 dáys. They usuálly don’t lást thát long sínce my husbánd ánd kíds háve díscovered them ás well.
On á fínál note, í’ve máde these wíth ádded proteín powder, up to 1/4 of á cup, for extrá nutrítíon ánd been áble to reduce the honey ín hálf by removíng 1-2 táblespoons of coconut flour. How do you know ít’s goíng to hold together? When the texture ín the bowl hás the consístency of pláydough, ánd you pínch ít, ánd ít holds together. Tríál ánd error í tell you.
áre you á chocoláte browníe person or á blondíe person?
áuthor: Láurá Fuentes
Yíeld: 6 squáres
1/2 cup + 2 táblespoons coconut flour, sífted
1/2 cup máshed bánáná
1/4 cup peánut butter
1/4 cup honey or máple syrup
1/2 teáspoon váníllá
2 táblespoons míní chocoláte chíps
Líne án 8×4 loáf pán wíth párchment páper.
ín á lárge bowl, másh the bánáná, ádd peánut butter, honey, ánd váníllá. Once the míxture ís cohesíve ánd creámy, ádd ín the coconut flour ánd combíne well. The fínál step ís to ádd ín chocoláte chíps ánd combíne.
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