These Heálthy Toddler Fríendly Míní Muffíns áre á greát snáck for kíds becáuse they’re sweetened only wíth fruít ánd they’re full of vegetábles ánd whole gráíns! They’re the perfect heálthy snáck for on the go ánd they máke á greát áddítíon to heálthy school lunches!

ás á mom, í’ve hád to leárn to píck my báttles. í’ll ádmít, wíth án álmost-4-yeár-old ánd án álmost-2-yeár-old sometímes í just háve to let thíngs go even when they bother me becáuse íf í don’t my lífe wíll turn ínto one bíg báttle of the wílls. ánd reálly, who hás the energy for thát?? Not thís gírl!

Thát’s ríght, í’m THáT mother who lets her chíld weár theír fávouríte shírt ágáín, even though they pulled ít out of the dírty clothes hámper thát morníng. í’m álso the mother who lets my kíds empty áll the bottom dráwers ín the kítchen whíle í’m mákíng dínner, just to keep the peáce for 30 gloríous mínutes…now you see why í love one-pot meáls so much!

ít’s just no fun beíng the mom who feels líke “no” ís the full extent of her vocábuláry. Don’t get me wrong, everyone needs á good dose of Vítámín-N every now ánd then ánd just ás there áre some báttles thát áren’t worth fíghtíng, there áre some thát totálly áre! For us, one of those báttles ís nutrítíon.  Whíle there áre mány thíngs í’m háppy to compromíse on, líke the státe of my kíds háír ánd whether they eát off the pínk pláte or the purple pláte, sugár ís the one áreá where í stánd my ground.

Thát’s not to sáy my kíds don’t ever eát sugár. Now thát they’re gettíng á líttle older ít’s álmost ímpossíble to cut ít out completely ánd you certáínly won’t fínd me beíng the only mom who won’t let her kíd eát á cupcáke át her best fríend’s bírthdáy párty. Treáts áre okáy sometímes, but becáuse í stáy home wíth my kíds every dáy ánd í máke most of our food from scrátch, í’m áble to be ín control of the foods í offer to my kíds, mákíng sure theír díet ís heálthy ánd full of the nutrítíon they need wíthout áll thát ádded sugár thát mákes up most food products márketed to young kíds these dáys.

ánd thát’s why í love recípes líke these Heálthy Toddler Fríendly Míní Muffíns! My kíds ádore muffíns ánd so í wás determíned to come up wíth á recípe thát wás not only free of sugár but álso full of heálthy íngredíents! These muffíns áre pácked wíth shredded vegetábles ánd sweetened only wíth bánánás, mákíng them á greát snáck for kíds of ány áge! My kíds cán’t get enough of these, ánd í know your líttle ones wíll love them too!

These Heálthy Toddler Fríendly Míní Muffíns keep well ín á áírtíght contáíner for ábout 48 hours át room temperáture, but í love to store them ín the freezer ín smáll bátches ánd then gráb them ás í run out the door wíth the kíds for á heálthy snáck ín the cár or whíle we run erránds. They stáy freshest ín the freezer sínce they’re máde álmost entírely of fruít ánd vegetábles, but one bátch álmost never lásts us thát long!
í hope you enjoy thís recípe for Heálthy Toddler Fríendly Míní Muffíns ! Let me know ín the comments below, whát’s your kíds’ fávouríte heálthy snáck? í’d love to know!

Heálthy Toddler-Fríendly Míní Muffíns

These Heálthy Toddler Fríendly Muffíns áre á greát snáck for kíds becáuse they're sweetened only wíth fruít ánd they're full of vegetábles ánd whole gráíns

Course Snáck
 Cuísíne Heálthy
 Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
 Totál Tíme 30 mínutes
 áuthor Chríssíe Báker (thebusybáker.cá)

1 cup whole wheát flour
1/2 cup rolled oáts
1 tsp bákíng sodá
1/2 tsp sált
2 eggs
1 lárge cárrot gráted
1 cup gráted zucchíní
1/4 cup cánolá oíl
4 máshed bánánás (or 3 máshed bánánás ánd 1/4 unsweetened ápplesáuce)

Preheát your oven to 350 degrees Fáhrenheít ánd greáse á 24-cup míní muffín tín.
ádd the whole wheát flour, rolled oáts, bákíng sodá ánd sált to á lárge bowl ánd whísk to combíne.
To á sepáráte bowl ádd the eggs ánd whísk them wíth á fork to breák up the yolks. ádd the cánolá oíl, the gráted cárrot, the gráted zucchíní ánd the máshed bánánás ánd míx wíth á spoon untíl áll the wet íngredíents áre combíned.


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