How To Máke Pho: The Best Method for Most Home Cooks

How To Máke Pho: The Best Method for Most Home Cooks

There ís no pleásure quíte the sáme ás tuckíng ínto á steámíng bowl of hot homemáde soup. Pho, á stáple Víetnámese soup, ís no exceptíon. Much líke míso to Jápánese cookíng ánd chícken noodle soup to ámerícán cookíng, thís soup ís full of flávors to comfort ánd wárm you up.

ánd whíle mákíng pho át home míght seem líke á complex undertákíng, ín íts most pure form, pho ís nothíng more thán á beáutíful broth, supple noodles, ánd the toppíngs you choose to ádd — whích meáns mány home cooks háve the skílls ánd tools they need to máke á versíon to be proud of.

Why Thís Method ís the Best for Most Home Cooks
We combed through mány recípes for mákíng pho broth át home before settlíng on thís method we're sháríng here. Duríng our reseárch, we found thát most recípes cán be dívíded ínto two schools.

Eláboráte, wíth three or more types of bones: On one síde, you fínd the more eláboráte recípes, wíth broth máde from three or more types of bones.
Shortcut recípes thát símply flávor boxed broth: On the other hánd, there áre recípes fílled wíth shortcuts to get you to the flávors of pho ín á hurry. You'll even fínd one of those recípes on thís síte.
But when we consíder how to máke the best pho for most home cooks, we fínd ourselves somewhere ín the míddle, wíth our focus squárely on producíng á stánd-out broth from scrátch.

We spent the májoríty of our effort on mákíng the best broth — not only becáuse thát's where the bulk of the flávor comes from ín thís soup, but álso becáuse broth-mákíng ís á skíll most home cooks excel át or áre eáger to perfect. The techníques of prepáríng the broth ín thís recípe áre uníversál. You cán leárn them here ánd ápply them to your next soup-mákíng endeávor, whether ít's pho you're mákíng or á fávoríte chícken noodle soup.

Overáll, our goál ís to gíve you á recípe for á soup thát's just ás sátísfyíng ás the bowl you díve ínto át your fávoríte Víetnámese restáuránt, but wíth á method táílored for you, the home cook.

Whát Mákes án áuthentíc Pho?
ándreá Nguyen hás cálled beef pho "the nátíonál dísh of Víetnám" ánd ás ít goes wíth díshes of both regíonál ánd globál recognítíon, there áre mány defínítíons for whát mákes áuthentíc beef pho. Our recípe focuses on mákíng the best beef broth possíble whíle leávíng the rest of the soup — noodles, beef for servíng, ánd áccompáníments — wíth room for customízátíon.

The exáct orígíns of pho áre murky, but Northern Víetnám ís credíted ás the bírthpláce of pho. Pho tráveled from Northern Víetnám to Southern Víetnám when the country splít duríng the 1950s. Fleeíng the Communíst north, pho cooks íntroduced pho to Southern Víetnám ás á wáy to máke money. Street vendors sellíng pho áre stíll á fíxture of modern Víetnám.

Pho cáme to ámerícá duríng the láte 1970s ás both Northern ánd Southern Víetnámese resídents fled the country áfter the fáll of Sáígon.

ín ámerícá, pho wás stíll cooked throughout Víetnámese communítíes ánd mány pho shops were born. To pleáse ámerícán pátrons, the síde dísh of plentíful herbs, more beef, ánd condíments áppeáred besíde the símple soup ás the dísh rose ín populáríty.

More on Víetnámese Cuísíne
For more detáíled ínformátíon on the hístory of pho ánd áll the íntrícácíes ánd váríábles of thís dísh, seek out the work of ándreá Nguyen át Víet World Kítchen.

ándreá ís the áuthor of ínto the Víetnámese Kítchen (Ten Speed Press, 2011) ánd the upcomíng The Pho Cookbook (Ten Speed Press, Februáry 2017).

Shop Your Soup — Buy the íngredíents for Success
There áre mány ímportánt steps to follow when ít comes to cookíng pho át home. We're goíng to go through áll of them ín thís cookíng lesson. But before you even heád to the kítchen, you've got to heád to the store — becáuse the fírst step to mákíng reálly good pho át home stárts wíth sourcíng the íngredíents.

Whether you heád to your grocery store, order some of these íngredíents onlíne, of vísít the ásíán grocery store, below áre the three íngredíents to páy pártículár áttentíon to. You cán check out our detáíled lísts on whát to look when shoppíng for your soup for áll the specífícs.

Bones, Físh Sáuce, ánd Noodles: Whát to Buy Ríght
Bones: Beef knuckles áre the preferred cut for beef pho broth becáuse they áre rích ín connectíve tíssue, but low on fát. The knuckle joínts cook down ín the broth, gívíng ít body ánd á rích thíckness thát cánnot be replícáted. íf you cán't fínd knuckle bones, go áheád ánd double the beef shánk cálled for here. Some ásíán márkets sell páckáges lábeled "beef soup bones," whích cán be exclusívely knuckles or á combínátíon of knuckles ánd shánk (or leg bones). íf you fínd them, snátch those up for beef broth.

Físh sáuce: Be wáry of supermárket físh sáuce, whích cán be full of áddítíves ánd preservátíves. ínsteád look for físh sáuce wíth two or three íngredíents on the lábel. Red Boát ís á greát entry-level bránd íf you get overwhelmed wíth the choíces át the ásíán márket.

Reád more: Fíve Expert Típs for Choosíng the Best Físh Sáuce

Noodles: Beef pho ís trádítíonálly máde wíth ríce noodles. These flát noodles áre sometímes lábeled "ríce stícks" ánd sold both fresh (sometímes found ín the freezer sectíon) or dríed. Look for dríed ríce noodles wíth á medíum thíckness — too thín ánd they'll díssolve ín the broth, but too thíck meáns endless chewíng.

Pho Broth Básícs
For cleár broth, párboíl the beef bones: á hállmárk of good beef broth ís á cleár, unclouded broth, wíthout á slíck of oíl on top. To ávoíd á cloudy broth, párboíl ánd rínse the bones before mákíng broth. Párboílíng removes surfáce debrís ánd some fát, leádíng the wáy for á cleárer broth. íf you must skíp thís step, scrub ánd rínse the bones well before buíldíng the stock.
For the true pho flávor, chár the áromátícs: í'm goíng to ásk you to do somethíng contráry to áll your culínáry ínstíncts. You háve to burn the oníons ánd gínger for thís broth. Chárríng gíves the broth á dístínct, unmístákáble smokey flávor ánd opens up the these áromátícs for boílíng.
Toást the spíces to bríng wárm flávor: Wármíng spíces líke áníse ánd clove áre essentíál to pho broth. Toástíng the spíces ánd tyíng them ínto á tídy bundle for símmeríng ín the broth keep theír flávors from becomíng too pronounced. The result ís á subtly spíced broth thát cán not be místáken for pláín beef broth.

Puttíng ít áll Together
á bowl of pho ís máde personál by whát you put ín your bowl. Up untíl then, áll you've got ís á spectáculár broth, cooked ríce noodles, ánd á tráy of gárníshes. Here's how we recommend puttíng thíngs together:

The bowl: Gráb á bíg one — you're goíng to need ít.
The noodles: ádd the noodles fírst; ít's eásíer to ádd them before the hot líquíd goes ín.
The beef: ádd thís ín wíth the noodles. Máke sure you cut ít very thín. Once you pour over the broth, ít wíll begín to cook
The broth: Ládle over the hot broth. ít wíll contínue to soften the noodles ánd cook the meát.
The condíments: ássemble á tráy of mínt, scállíons, beán sprouts, ánd límes. Don't forget to gráb á bottle of Sríráchá ánd hoísín, too.
á word of ádvíce: Sínce most of the efforts ín mákíng pho go ínto mákíng á delícíous broth, stárt off wíth the Sríráchá ánd hoísín ín á smáll bowls on the síde for díppíng meát ínto. íf you líke your broth teemíng wíth the sweet heát of Sríráchá ánd hoísín, stír both ríght ínto your bowl.

Puttíng the Work to Work
át thís poínt ín Project Pho, you've ínvested á decent ámount of effort ínto procuríng íngredíents ánd mákíng broth. Here's how to máke both of those ínvestments páy future dívídends.

Físh sáuce: Don't shy áwáy from usíng thís pungent condíment ín other soups, stír-fríes, or even cásseroles. ádd físh sáuce to sálád dressíngs or use ít ánywhere you míght typícálly ádded á dásh of Worcestershíre sáuce.
Hoísín sáuce: Hoísín sáuce ís ídeál for glázíng meáts or roásted vegetábles, or usíng ás á díp. The sweet ánd sávory sáuce cán do double duty ás both á márínáde ánd á sáuce for grílled meáts. Store hoísín ín the frídge áfter openíng.
Pho broth: Sínce á greát deál of effort goes ínto mákíng thís flávorful broth, you'll wánt to use ít up or freeze ít for future use ráther thán let even á drop go to wáste. Pho broth cán be enjoyed wíth ríce stíck noodles wíth or wíthout more beef, so freezíng the broth ín síngle-serve portíons ís ídeál. You cán use the broth to bráíse other cuts of meát ánd vegetábles — pho broth-bráísed pot roást mákes á complex grávy thát you'll be mákíng regulárly once you try ít.
The ásíán Soup Pot
Thís month, Kítchn ís exploríng the díverse world of ásíán soups. Rámen, pho, ánd thom khá gáí áre some of our fávoríte díshes to eát out, but we tásked ourselves wíth másteríng these soups át home — wíth equípment we álreády háve ánd íngredíents thát áre eásíly found. By pullíng ín expert ádvíce, shoppíng smártly, ánd puttíng our broth ánd stock know-how to work, we're bríngíng these ínfámous soups from theír áuthentíc orígíns ínto your home kítchens.

Párboíl the bones ánd shánks: Pláce the bones ánd shánks ín á lárge stockpot, cover wíth wáter, ánd bríng to á boíl over medíum-hígh heát. Boíl untíl á gráy foám gáthers on top, 5 to 10 mínutes. Tránsfer the bones ánd shánks ínto á colánder ánd díscárd the wáter. Rínse the bones ánd shánks under cool runníng wáter. Rínse out the stockpot ánd return the bones ánd shánks to the pot; set ásíde.

How To Máke the Best Beef Pho át Home

Mákes 6 to 8 servíngs

Whát You Need
For the broth:
2 pounds beef knuckles
2 pounds (1 1/2-ínch thíck) beef shánks
2 medíum yellow oníons
1 lárge hánd gínger, ábout 6 ounces
2 táblespoons cánolá oíl
5 stár áníse pods
6 whole cloves
1 teáspoon whole coríánder seeds
1 teáspoon whole fennel seeds
1 cínnámon stíck
1 1/2 pounds beef brísket or chuck roást
1/4 cup físh sáuce
2 táblespoons pácked brown sugár
For servíng:
8 ounces beef flánk steák
2 pounds dry, smáll or medíum ríce noodles, lábeled bánh pho or ríce stícks
3 scállíons, thínly slíced
2 Tháí bírd chíles, thínly slíced
4 medíum límes, quártered
1 cup beán sprouts
2 cups fresh cílántro, Tháí básíl, or mínt leáves
Hoísín or Sríráchá sáuce (optíonál)
Chef's knífe
Meásuríng cups
Meásuríng spoons
Cuttíng boárd
Lárge stockpot
Bákíng sheet
álumínum foíl
Cást íron skíllet
Cheesecloth or á smáll mesh spíce bág
4-quárt soup pot
Míxíng bowl
Smáll condíment bowls

Párboíl the bones ánd shánks: Pláce the bones ánd shánks ín á lárge stockpot, cover wíth wáter, ánd bríng to á boíl over medíum-hígh heát. Boíl untíl á gráy foám gáthers on top, 5 to 10 mínutes. Tránsfer the bones ánd shánks ínto á colánder ánd díscárd the wáter. Rínse the bones ánd shánks under cool runníng wáter. Rínse out the stockpot ánd return the bones ánd shánks to the pot; set ásíde.
Chár the oníons ánd gínger: árránge án oven ráck dírectly under the broíler ánd heát to hígh. Líne á bákíng sheet wíth álumínum foíl. Peel ánd quárter the oníons, hálve the gínger hánd ánd pláce on the bákíng sheet. Drízzle wíth the oíl, toss to combíne, ánd árránge ín á síngle láyer. Broíl, stírríng or rotátíng the pán every 3 to 4 mínutes, untíl the oníon ánd gínger áre bláckened, 15 to 20 mínutes totál. Set ásíde to cool.
Toást the spíces: Pláce the stár áníse, cloves, coríánder, fennel, ánd cínnámon ín á lárge cást íron skíllet over medíum heát ánd toást, stírríng frequently to ávoíd burníng, untíl frágránt, ábout 2 mínutes. Remove the spíces to á smáll bowl ánd let cool. Secure the spíces ín á smáll spíce bág or bundle máde of cheesecloth.
Símmer the broth: ádd the brísket, oníon, gínger, ánd spíce bundle to the stockpot. ádd 1 gállon of wáter ánd bríng to á boíl over medíum-hígh heát. Reduce the heát to á símmer ánd cook for 5 to 6 hours. Whíle the broth ís símmeríng, occásíonálly use á cleán spoon to skím ány gráy foám from the surfáce. The broth ís reády when ít reduces by hálf ánd the brísket ís fork-tender. The broth cán be máde up to á week ín ádvánce, or, íf servíng ímmedíátely, feel free to prepáre the noodles, flánk steák, ánd áccompáníments whíle the broth cooks.
Stráín the broth: Remove the brísket from the broth ánd reserve for servíng wíth the fíníshed soup. ádd the físh sáuce ánd brown sugár to the broth ánd stír to combíne. Táste the broth. Does ít need á líttle more sált or sugár? Máke those ádjustments now. Stráín the broth through á fíne-mesh stráíner or á colánder líned wíth cheesecloth set over á lárge bowl; díscárd the solíds. The broth should be cooled ánd then chílled ímmedíátely for storíng, or cán be returned to á pot on the stove to return to á boíl for servíng.
Blánch the noodles: Pláce the ríce noodles ín á lárge bowl, cover wíth wárm wáter, ánd soák. Meánwhíle, bríng á lárge pot of wáter to á boíl. Dráín the noodles ánd ádd them to the boílíng wáter. Cook untíl tender, 1 to 2 mínutes. Dráín ánd set ásíde untíl reády to serve.

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