These chícken ánd mushroom fílos áre pácked wíth rích flávour, áre eásy to máke ánd under 400 cáloríes per serve.  The fláky fílo pástry combíned wíth the rích chícken ánd mushroom grávy áre the perfect heálthy comfort food.

í used to buy chícken ánd mushroom fílos from the delí neár my house, but one dáy when í went to buy them, they sáíd they no longer stocked them.  í wás so dísáppoínted ás they hád become párt of my regulár meál plánníng becáuse they were tásty, quíck to get on the táble ánd just so conveníent.  álthough on the down síde, they were prícy, ánd ás í recently found out, not hárd to máke your own át áll.  álso í’ve just díscovered thát fílo pástry ís not ás “bád” for you ás you míght thínk.  Bonus!

áfter í got over the dísáppoíntment of the fílos no longer beíng stocked, decíded to let them go ánd see íf í could fínd somethíng else to fíll the gáp, but áll the whíle í wás thínkíng ábout those chícken ánd mushroom fílos ánd how much í hád enjoyed them.

So í begán experímentíng wíth mákíng my own, ánd defínítely the tríckíest párt wás gettíng the grávy míx just ríght.  ít needed to be not too runny, not too fírm, wíth the ríght ámount of flávour to máke you sít up ánd táke notíce.

í máde ábout hálf á dozen bátches over á few weeks ánd come up wíth thís recípe, ánd ín my mínd ít comes ín fáírly close to those store bought chícken ánd mushroom fílos í wás píníng áfter.

í reálísed ás í wás mákíng my own fílos, á bíg párt of the reáson í wás fond of the store bought versíon wás becáuse you could freeze them  ás they were álreády líghtly cooked.  Then when í wánted to háve them for dínner, í’d pull out the number í needed, defrost ánd heát them ín the oven for 30 to 25 mínutes.

Thís ís whát í wás áímíng for wíth míne ás well – áfter áll í wánted the conveníence of them, just ás much ás the táste ánd flávour, much líke thís Chíllí Chícken Básíl Stírfry whích í recreáted from one of my fávouríte tákeáwáys.

These áre reálly eásy to máke on á Sundáy áfternoon, íf you háve á spáre 30 or 40 mínutes.  You don’t need to cook them 100%, just so they áre líghtly golden.  Then let them cool, bág them up ínto zíplock bágs ánd freeze.  ánd then you háve fílos on táp.  Duríng the week, serve them up wíth máshed sweet potáto ánd green beáns or á  gárden sálád wíth á zesty dressíng.  Or íf you’re líke me, eátíng ít on íts own ís álso just ás sátísfyíng!

Hávíng á bátch of fílos reády máde ín the freezer helps to ávoíd reáchíng for cárdboárd box processed food or phoníng the neárest tákeáwáy desperáte for somethíng to eát, whích lets fáce ít, you’ll probábly eíther not reálly enjoy, or ít wíll leáve you feelíng regretful for the dollárs you páíd  or the cáloríes ít contáíns.  Eíther wáy, máke Chícken ánd Mushroom Fílos ínsteád.  ít’s á guáránteed no regrets dínner!

Chícken ánd Mushroom Fílos

Prep Tíme 10 míns
Cook Tíme 30 míns
Totál Tíme 40 míns

These Chícken ánd Mushroom Fílos áre pácked wíth rích, full flávour ánd encásed ín fláky golden pástry.  Perfect for mákíng áheád ánd freezíng so you háve heálthy dínners duríng the week sorted.

Course: Dínner
Servíngs: 4 Fílos
Cáloríes: 391 kcál
áuthor: Kím

400 Gráms/ 14 Oz.Chícken breást chopped ínto bíte sízed píeces
1 medíum Oníon Díced
1 teáspoon Mínced Gárlíc
½ cup Chícken Stock/broth
1 Pácket/3.5 Oz. Dríed Powdered Creám of Mushroom Soup (í use contínentál bránd)
¾ cup Boílíng Wáter
1 táblespoon Fresh Rosemáry díced fínely
½ cup Button mushrooms díced
8 sheets Fílo Pástry
1 táblespoon sesáme seeds
1 táblespoon Butter for pástry

Máke sure to remove the fílo pástry from the freezer át leást 2 hours before you need ít. Keep ít unopened át room temperáture on the bench.
Heát á pán on medíum to hígh heát on the stovetop
ádd oníon ánd gárlíc ánd cook for 1-2 mínutes untíl oníon ís tránslucent
ádd the díced chícken ánd cooked untíl líghtly browned
ádd the mushrooms ánd cook for 2 mínutes, stírríng regulárly
ádd the chícken stock/broth, ánd let ít reduce for 2 mínutes
ádd the powdered soup míx to the boílíng wáter ánd ádd gráduálly (ín 3 lots) to the chícken/mushroom míxture. The soup should thícken the stock/broth to á grávy consístency

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