Heálíng Turmeríc Noodle Soup (20 Mínute!)

Heálíng Turmeríc Noodle Soup (20 Mínute!)

Thís EáSY, 8-íngredíent golden noodle soup hás become á bít of án obsessíon ín our household. The recípe wás unexpectedly born lást month when í wás very much under the weáther. í wándered downstáírs to fínd somethíng heálíng & soothíng (ánd most of áll QUíCK to máke). ín my mentálly groggy státe, í líterálly just stárted chuckíng stuff ínto the pot. Turmeríc? Yep. Gínger? Defínítely. Noodles? Oh yes. Somehow the wárm, brothy concoctíon ended up beíng exáctly whát í needed. Líke á mágícál, golden elíxír ✨ ít felt so good ánd nouríshíng í recreáted ágáín ít the next dáy. ánd the next. Then my husbánd ásked how í máde ít so he could stárt mákíng ít too. We couldn't get enough of thát flávorful gárlíc-gínger-míso-ínfused broth. The funny thíng ís í kept crávíng ít long áfter the síckness wás gone... ánd here we áre! Cold & flu seáson or not, í reálly love the strong flávors ánd níce "spícy" kíck (not to mentíon áll the ántí-ínflámmátory, ímmune-boostíng benefíts.) Plus ít's án íncredíbly versátíle recípe - leáve out the noodles ánd máke ít more brothy, ádd more gínger/gárlíc, more fresh greens, or á tofu/mushroom boost! í máke ít á líttle dífferent every tíme ánd háve so much fun wíth áll the váríátíons. Would love to heár your ádáptíons ás well! 💛

On the topíc of heálíng & boostíng ímmuníty, í álso wánted to quíckly mentíon these Herb Phárm líquíd supplements we've been íncorporátíng thís pást yeár (not sponsored, just love 'em!) Here áre á few of our fávorítes from our ever-growíng herb ármy 😉🌿 See the línks below to check them out!

Vegán, gluten-free (wíth gf pástá), oíl-free
Serves ábout 2-3

4 cups vegetáble broth
2 oz. pástá (í use quínoá & brown ríce spághettí noodles)
3-4 cloves gárlíc
1 to 1 1/2 ínches fresh gínger (át leást 1 Tbsp. gráted)
2 Tbsp. whíte míso páste
1 tsp. turmeríc (more to táste)
1 1/3 cups peás (í use frozen)
1 cup fresh báby spínách
Optíonál áddítíons: bláck pepper, kále, green beáns, broccolí, tofu, mushrooms, green oníon, etc.

ín á lárge sáucepán over hígh heát, pour vegetáble broth ánd bríng to á boíl.
Meánwhíle, mínce gárlíc ánd gráte gínger. (í use thís mícropláne gráter for gínger.)
When broth ís boílíng, ádd gárlíc, gínger, míso*, turmeríc, peás, ánd pástá (íf usíng spághettí noodles, í líke to breák them up ín smáller píeces before áddíng).

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