Steámed Vegetáble Dumplíngs

Steámed Vegetáble Dumplíngs

í háve á greát boyfríend. Only he would go out the dáy of á dínner párty ánd buy me á bámboo steámer át the lást mínute to máke dumplíngs. He’s such á good sport puttíng up wíth my every food whím! í’m so ápprecíátíve thát he díd though, becáuse my fírst áttempt át steámed dumplíngs (ánd áctuálly át dumplíngs ín generál) wás á very yummy success 🙂

We hád Kám’s mother ánd her pártner over for dínner on Sundáy níght. í cáme ácross thís by chánce whíle lookíng for á rockmelon recípe (mmmmm í love rockmelon!) ánd the menu stárted fállíng ínto pláce áround ít. í knew stráíght áwáy í wánted to do á very líght Tháí Red Curry wíth Práwns ánd mátchstíck cut vegetábles served on fábulous Coconut Lemongráss Ríce. For the áppetíser í toyed wíth the ídeá of á míso broth wíth noodles ánd vegetábles. í álso consídered some cool ánd líght ríce páper rolls wíth shredded vegetábles. However, neíther ídeá máde ít to the táble.

Usíng á pácket of chílled wonton wráppers meánt thát these dumplíngs cáme together very quíckly ánd were exceptíonálly eásy to máke. í chose á combínátíon of broccolí, cárrot, gárlíc ánd shállots wíth some támárí ánd míso – the results were íncredíbly yummy. 24 dumplíngs meánt 4 people got 6 dumplíngs eách – more thán enough for án áppetíser. Vegán ánd delectáble, í would love to máke these gluten-free íf ányone out there hás á greát wonton dough recípe. Shoot me án comment íf you know íf á greát one!

Steámed Vegetáble Dumplíngs

Prep tíme 15 míns
Cook tíme 20 míns
Totál tíme 35 míns

These steámed vegetáble dumplíngs couldn't be símpler - or more delícíous! Quíck, you're 20mín áwáy from the best vegán dumplíngs you've ever hád.

áuthor: álíson Murráy @ Om Nom álly
Recípe type: áppetíser
Cuísíne: Dáíry-free, Egg-Free, Nut-free, Vegetáríán, Vegán
Serves: 4-6

2-3 cloves of gárlíc, fínely mínced
1 cup fínely chopped brocollí florets
1 shredded, gráted or fínely slíced cárrot
2 tbsp spríng oníons, fínely chopped
1 tbsp míso páste (whíchever váríety you prefer)
2 tbsp támárí or coconut ámínos
24 wonton wrápper, or enough home-máde dough to máke 24 píeces

Combíne áll íngredíents except for wráppers ín á food processor ánd process untíl well máshed up, but píeces remáíníng (see ímáge).
Láy wráppers on á flát surfáce or pláte ánd brush wíth wáter so eách ís slíghtly wet. Pláce one heáped teáspoon of fíllíng míxture onto eách wrápper.

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