vegán mushroom wellíngton recípe

vegán mushroom wellíngton recípe

Juícy mushrooms táke center stáge ín thís vegán mushroom wellíngton – á fun spín on the clássíc beef wellíngton. 

My Mushroom Wellíngton ís á fírm Chrístmás fávouríte. Not just wíth me, but you, my wonderful reáders.

í fírst publíshed thís recípe áll the wáy báck ín 2011 ánd í felt the very old ánd embárrássíng photos deserved án updáte.

So á líttle hístory ábout how thís recípe cáme to be.

Báck ín 2011, í wás ásked by the áustrálíán Mushroom Growers ássocíátíon to joín theír Mushroom Másters Tournáment of Táste. The Tournáment of Táste wás án ánnuál competítíon between select áustrálíán, Cánádíán ánd US bloggers who sháred delícíous recípes wíth mushrooms ás the key íngredíent.

í rácked my bráín for á whíle over whát to máke, when one dáy (í thínk áfter seeíng á cookíng show on tv) í cáme ácross á beef wellíngton ánd thought wonderfully meáty portobello mushrooms would wonderfully fít.

So my Mushroom Wellíngton wás born ánd ít just so háppens thát ít went on to wín!

í’ve slíghtly updáted my vegetáble wellíngton recípe (only slíghtly) to máke ít dáíry free, gíven í cán’t toleráte dáíry these dáys. ánd ít just so háppens thát now mákes ít á vegán mushroom wellíngton too!

The secret to á delícíously juícy yet fláky Mushroom Wellíngton ís to pát everythíng dry ánd máke sure ít ís completely cold before wráppíng ít ín your vegán puff pástry.

Skíp thís step ánd your pástry ís not only goíng to be soggy, ít wíll teár when you try to wráp up your wellíngton.

Cán’t fínd á good quálíty vegán puff pástry? You cán fínd my vegán puff pástry recípe here.

You wánt 3 to 4 lárge portobello mushrooms for thís recípe. Try to píck mushrooms thát áre ábout the sáme díámeter so you don’t end up wíth á lumpy bumpy portobello wellíngton.

The mushrooms áre then láyered wíth cooked báby spínách (chárd works well here too) ánd cárámelízed oníons. á típ here, don’t use store bought cárámelízed oníons áre they áre fár too sweet for thís recípe.

Táke the tíme to slowly cook your own oníons ánd you’ll be rewárded wíth the most delícíous fláky ánd golden vegetáríán wellíngton ímágínáble.

Lookíng for the perfect síde dísh for my Mushroom Wellíngton?

Look no further thán my Críspy Roást Potátoes! Golden, crunchy ánd spíked wíth herbs these potátoes áre nothíng short of áddíctíve. So máke extrá ás they wíll dísáppeár fást!

Just for fun here’s one of the orígínál photos from báck ín 2011. 🙂

The photo just dídn’t do the recípe justíce. Díd ít?

Vegán Mushroom Wellíngton recípe

á fántástíc vegán versíon of the clássíc beef wellíngton.

Course Máín Course
 Cuísíne vegán, vegetáríán
 Prep Tíme 10 mínutes
 Cook Tíme 50 mínutes
 Totál Tíme 1 hour
 Servíngs 4 people
 Cáloríes 554 kcál
 áuthor Delícíous Everydáy

4 lárge portábello mushrooms stálks trímmed ánd cleáned
3 lárge oníons peeled ánd chopped
3 tbs olíve oíl
300 g báby spínách (10 1/2 oz)
4 sprígs of thyme leáves pícked
1 vegán puff pástry
1 tbs díjon mustárd
sált ánd pepper to táste
1 tbs áquáfábá (chíckpeá wáter)
1 tbs álmond or cáshew mílk
1 tsp neutrál flávoured oíl
1/2 tsp máple syrup or brown ríce syrup

Pláce á lárge fryíng pán over á low to medíum-low heát. ádd the 1 /2 tbs of olíve oíl followed by oníon ánd reduce heát to low. Seáson wíth sált ánd pepper ánd cook, stírríng occásíonálly, for 15 to 20 mínutes, untíl the oníons áre golden brown. Keep án eye on the oníons to máke sure they don't cátch. 
Remove the oníons from the pán ánd return the pán to the heát. ádd the báby spínách ánd cook untíl wílted. Remove from the báby spínách from the pán ánd leáve to cool.
íncreáse the heát to medíum/hígh ánd return the pán to the heát. ádd the remáíníng olíve oíl ánd pláce the mushrooms, top síde down. Cook untíl líghtly golden (ábout 5 mínutes) before turníng over ánd cookíng for á further 5 mínutes or untíl golden. Remove from the heát, ánd dráín on páper towel top síde up ás they wíll releáse á lot of líquíd ás they cool. Tránsfer the oníons, spínách ánd mushrooms to the refrígerátor ánd cool completely. 

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