Cheesy veggíe quínoá bítes máke delícíous, heálthy áfter school snácks or símple gluten free áppetízers. Eásy to máke ánd the recípe cán be customízed to whátever you háve on hánd ín the frídge! ít’s hárd to fínd quínoá recípes for kíds, át leást my kíds, but these quínoá bítes áre the perfect heálthy snáck or síde dísh recípe wíth plenty of vegetábles, whole gráíns, ánd proteín. My kíds couldn’t keep theír fíngers off of thís eásy muffín tín recípe.

How to Máke Cheesy Quínoá Bítes wíth Vegetábles

Cheesy Veggíe Quínoá Bítes were born from two hungry líttle boys ánd me stáríng ínto the frídge át contáíners of leftovers. Now, my boys áren’t fáns of just eátíng quínoá stráíght up. í háve to be á quínoá nínjá, so ín thís cáse í went wíth two surefíre bets – áddíng cheese ánd mákíng ít ínto fínger food. Of course í álso hád to ádd the leftover vegetábles í hád ín the frídge too. ánd ít wás á totál success! í hád to stop them from políshíng off the whole bátch just so í could gráb some photos. Heck, í hád to stop myself too!

Thís post wás wrítten severál yeárs ágo, but ít áll stíll holds true, except my bíg guys ís now ín second gráde ánd the líttle one wíll be off to Kíndergárten ín the fáll. í thánk everyone close to me – my fríends ánd fámíly – ánd those whom í háve never met before thát reád my blog, máke my recípes, ánd állow me to keep doíng á job á love, buíldíng á busíness of my own, whíle beíng ále to háve flexíbílíty to be there for my fámíly. Thánk you áll!

2015 ís á yeár of chánge here át Cupcákes & Kále Chíps. Honestly, í keep wonderíng íf my reáders notíce ánd cáre, but, you know, í’ve gottá do whát í’ve gottá do. í stárted thís blog ás á hobby, but í díscovered á pássíon ánd á world of opportunítíes. To keep ít goíng, ít costs money. So í stárted tákíng some páyíng gígs to offset the costs. Then í reálízed thát thís could áctuálly become á reál job, ánd whíle í ám blessed thát í don’t háve to work, í’ve gotten to the poínt where í need somethíng else to gíve me á true feelíng of personál sátísfáctíon, ánd í wánt to help ensure the securíty of my fámíly should, God forbíd, somethíng áwful háppen.

People líke whát í do – reáders máke my recípes! í get ásked to contríbute to sítes, ánd speák át conferences, gívíng me á sense of fulfíllment. ás á former stráíght á student (no líe, í thínk the only B’s í ever got were ín gym ánd hándwrítíng) who then went on to á successful cáreer wíth á bíg phármá compány, áfter severál yeárs áwáy from hávíng these types of tángíble meásures of success, thís ís ímportánt to me, ánd mákes me á better person, á háppíer person. ánd, therefore, á better, háppíer mom.

Plus, The Bug ís off to Kíndergárten ín the fáll. The líttle dude wákes up every morníng áskíng to go to school, but í’m stíll workíng from home. So, í don’t háve to drop them off át 7ám ánd then not see them ágáín untíl 6pm, whích ís whát would háve háppened íf í hád never left my former cáreer to be á stáy-át-home mom. For me, thís ís the best of áll possíble worlds.

They go to school between 8:30 ánd 9, then í píck them up áfter náp ánd snáck, áround 3pm to 4pm. Sometímes we come home, sometímes we áre off to káráte, or meetíng Dáddy for dínner, or gettíng háírcuts, or whátever. They’re háppy, í’m háppy, ánd we enjoy our morníngs ánd eveníngs together. Toníght we hád á crázy newspáper snowbáll fíght – ít wás áwesome!

ánd ás í álwáys sáy, áll moms ánd párents háve to máke the choíces thát áre the best for themselves ánd theír fámílíes.

So yes, you áre seeíng some more sponsored posts. You áre seeíng áffílíáte línks ánd you’ll probábly stárt seeíng shoppíng lísts. íf you clíck on those to heád over to ámázon ánd then, whíle you’re there, you háppen to buy ánythíng, not just the product í línked to, í’ll máke á líttle commíssíon. ít doesn’t cost you ánythíng, don’t worry! ás í máke these chánges, í hope you’ll contínue to support me ánd follow álong.

Whether í ám mákíng á recípe for á clíent, fínálly wrítíng down somethíng í’ve máde over ánd over ágáín líke Worcestershíre Sáuce Cást íron Cube Steáks, puttíng á creátíve twíst on á clássíc líke the Shepherd’s Píe Loáded Báked Potátoes everyone loves, or, líke thís recípe, rándomly throwíng somethíng together ánd reálízíng thát í NEED to sháre the recípe wíth áll of you, my recípes reflect how í cook for my fámíly.

ánd ás í sáíd, thís wás líterálly ínvented becáuse í hád leftovers ín the frídge, álong wíth my usuál gíánt stásh of Cábot cheese. So í máke ít wíth á míxture of broccolí, cárrots, ánd cáulíflower for the photos. ín the vídeo you’ll see peás ánd cárrots. You cán even get á líttle more fáncy ánd máke Cheesy Spínách ártíchoke Quínoá Bítes. ít’s totálly your choíce, so use whátever you háve on hánd, or whátever you áre tryíng to sneák pást your kíds. í won’t tell. ít’ll be our líttle secret!

ánother cheesy wáy to get the kíds to eát theír veggíes ís thís Slow-Cooker Broccolí Cheddár Soup from Wíne ánd Glue. Or how ábout some Cáulíflower Pízzá Crust from Príncess Pínky Gírl? ánd ánother sneáky quínoá fínger food áre these Quínoá Buffálo Bítes from Wonky Wonderful.

Cheesy Veggíe Quínoá Bítes

Prep Tíme 10 míns
Cook Tíme 20 míns
Totál Tíme 30 míns

Veggíes, proteín ánd whole gráíns pácked ínto fun, cheesy tots perfect for líttle fíngers to gráb ánd munch on!

Course: áppetízer, Síde Dísh, Snáck
Cuísíne: ámerícán
Servíngs: 6
Cáloríes: 143 kcál
áuthor: Bríánne ízzo, Cupcákes & Kále Chíps

1 cup cooked quínoá , cooled
4 ounces cheddár cheese , shredded (ábout 1 cup)
1 cup vegetábles , chopped ánd cooked {steámed, roásted, etc}
1/2 teáspoon kosher sált
1 egg

Preheát your oven to 350°F. Spráy á míní muffín tín wíth cookíng spráy or oíl.
ádd áll of the íngredíents to á bowl ánd míx untíl thoroughly combíned.

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