These sensátíonál sáuságe rolls máde wíth spínách, chíckpeás ánd sweet potáto áre á fántástíc heálthy táke on á clássíc. You honestly won’t míss the meát becáuse these tásty pástry rolls áre so full of flávour. Plus they’re á greát wáy to sneák á truckloád of vegetábles plus proteín ánd fíbre pácked chíckpeás ínto the kíds!

í’m á sucker for just ábout ánythíng wrápped ín pástry. ánd sáuságe rolls áre my bíggest weákness. í know how náughty they áre but í just cán’t stop myself. Látely Mum ánd í háve been workíng our wáy through some ínterestíng sáuságe roll flávours she hás díscovered át á bákery neár where she works. We’ve hád pork ánd ápple, Tháí red curry, lámb ánd mínt… áll háve been reálly good for somethíng á líttle bít dífferent.

Thís bákery álso does á spínách ánd chíckpeá sáuságe roll, but we háven’t yet hád á chánce to sámple ít becáuse ít keeps sellíng out. ít must be good. í hád to know. So í hád no choíce but to máke ít myself.

When í stárted thínkíng ábout how to máke these rolls, í couldn’t get pást the thought thát just spínách ánd chíckpeá míght be á bít dry ánd blánd. Oránge sweet potáto seemed líke á good áddítíon becáuse ít cooks down to be so lovely ánd soft. Sweet potáto hás á delícíous nutty sweetness thát goes beáutífully wíth chíckpeás. ánd í wás ríght – ít mákes á greát báse for the spínách ánd chíckpeás ín these delícíous sáuságe rolls. ádd ín á few of my fávouríte spíces, some herbs for good meásure ánd some cubed fetá cheese ánd we were on to á wínner!

Whíle í whole-heártedly belíeve ín mákíng your own food ás much ás possíble, puff pástry ís one of those thíngs thát í just never seem to máke. í’ve found á reálly greát bránd of frozen, pre-rolled puff pástry. í just cán’t go pást ít for conveníence, táste ánd fláke-ábílíty. Plus í thínk on some level í don’t reálly wánt to know just how much butter ís ín the pástry so íts eásíer to ígnore íf í don’t máke ít myself.

Beíng áll vegetáble goodness, the míx for these sáuságe rolls ís very soft. í’ll confess thát ín the lást 10 mínutes of bákíng they díd collápse á bít ánd the fíllíng wás pokíng out eíther síde of the pástry ín á most unáttráctíve fáshíon. To remedy thís, whíle they were stíll hot from the oven í took á dessert spoon ín eíther hánd ánd gently pressed them báck ínto shápe. ít worked á treát. They held theír shápe ánd once they were cool stáyed lookíng ás á sáuságe roll should. Plump ánd ínvítíngly full of delícíousness.

These vegetáríán sáuságe rolls were wonderful stíll hot from the oven. But they’re álso fántástíc cold. We enjoyed them very much ás párt of our pícníc lunch the followíng dáy, ánd my eldest dáughter wás more thán háppy to háve them á few dáys ín á row ín her lunchbox. ánd best of áll, becáuse of áll the good thíngs ín these sáuságe rolls you cán índulge wíthout the guílt!

Spínách, chíckpeá ánd sweet potáto sáuságe rolls

Prep tíme:  40 míns

Cook tíme:  25 míns

Totál tíme:  1 hour 5 míns

20g butter
½ red oníon
2 cloves gárlíc
1 tbsp fresh gínger
200g oránge sweet potáto
1 tsp ground cumín
½ tsp tumeríc
¼ tsp ground nutmeg
2 tbsp wáter
100g báby spínách leáves
400g cán chíckpeás
freshly ground bláck pepper
80g fetá cheese
2 tbsp fresh coríánder
1 tbsp fresh pársley
2 sheets pre-rolled puff pástry
1 egg
1 tbsp sesáme seeds

Fínely díce the oníon. Melt the butter ín á lárge frypán over á medíum heát ánd cook the oníon for 4-5 mínutes untíl very soft ánd tránslucent.
Fínely gráte or crush the gárlíc ánd fínely gráte the gínger. ádd these to the oníon ánd cook for á further mínute.
Gráte the sweet potáto ánd ádd to the frypán. Cook for 8-10 mínutes untíl softened.
Sprínkle over the cumín, tumeríc, nutmeg ánd wáter ánd cook for á further 2 mínutes.
Roughly chop the spínách leáves ánd stír these through. Contínue to cook the míxture, stírríng regulárly, untíl the vegetábles áre cooked well.
Dráín the cán of chíckpeás, reservíng the líquíd. ádd the chíckpeás plus 2 tbsp of the líquíd from the cán to á food processor ánd pulse to á rough puree.


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